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Category: Lifestyle

  • How To Improve Your Financial Status

    How To Improve Your Financial Status

    Are you comfortable and happy with your financial status? If not, relax; you’re not the only one. Most people are unhappy with their financial status and seek solutions to improve it. These six principles will help you get back on track and make your money work for you rather than against you if you want…

  • Simple Ways To Free Yourself From Financial Pressure

    Simple Ways To Free Yourself From Financial Pressure

    Simple Ways To Free Yourself From Financial Pressure; According to local parlance, “adulthood is a scam!” But in the real sense, is adulthood truly a scam? As people may find this notion relative, financial freedom is something that people in adulthood must understand. But in all this, gaining clarity about your circumstances, taking charge of…

  • Entrepreneurial Challenges in Today’s Landscape

    Entrepreneurial Challenges in Today’s Landscape

    Part of the things involved in being an entrepreneur today is preparing to face several challenges. Entrepreneurs face tough challenges that even pose a threat to the existence of the business. Sometimes, the entrepreneurial challenges might prove rewarding depending on how well they’re tackled and if plans are made to avoid future occurrences. This is…

  • Six Entrepreneurial Characteristics

    Six Entrepreneurial Characteristics

    In the world today, there are millions of people who are involved in one form of entrepreneurship or the other. The world evolves everyday and so does everyone it, and also the economy and the way things are being executed. Changes and Innovation have become an important part of the 21st century or rather, the technological…

  • Six Common Entrepreneurship Myths

    Six Common Entrepreneurship Myths

    It’s actually funny and also quite interesting how of all the many problems faced by entrepreneurs or individuals who are about to venture into business, myths also plays a role in the decision making process. These myths always have ways of interfering with decisions and the choices entrepreneurs make. Most times, it makes things discouraging…

  • Different Types of Entrepreneurs

    Different Types of Entrepreneurs

    Entrepreneurs are individuals who creates a new business by bringing a creative idea into light. These individuals try to initiate a change in whatever they’re venturing into. This change could be in form of a new product which is fresh and not available in the market or rather a product that provides a solution to…

  • Top Reasons Why Start Ups Fail

    Top Reasons Why Start Ups Fail

    One of the major things that discourages individuals from starting up a business is obviously losses or fear of failure. When an individual starts up a business, remember: regardless of whatever the person has in mind or whatever the desired goal is. Individuals don’t want losses or, let’s say, they don’t expect losses. Losses or failures…

  • Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship: Understanding the Difference

    Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship: Understanding the Difference

    Starting up a business or creating a new idea to develop a new product takes different forms. These forms are also taken up by different entrepreneurs based in their personality, experience and skills. There’s one who is only about solving social problems and is not really concerned about the financial benefits from the business, there’s…