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Category: Lifestyle

  • How to Start a Blog in Nigeria and Make Money

    How to Start a Blog in Nigeria and Make Money

    Blogging is on the lips of everyone associated with information technology and everyone who is interested in the dynamics of communication. As the world shrinks into a global village, people are always open to better ways of sending and receiving information. Over the years, with the proliferation of the new media, people have been spoilt…

  • How to Start a Mini Importation Business in Nigeria

    How to Start a Mini Importation Business in Nigeria

    There are many who shiver at the mention of importation business. Subconsciously, they start thinking in Dollars and Pounds or even Euros. This is because they would have thought of where the capital to start this kind of business would come from. But it is in order at this juncture to take a chill pill…

  • How to Start Rental Services in Nigeria

    How to Start Rental Services in Nigeria

    You cannot buy or have everything you need in this life; especially tents; chairs; tables; DJ equipment; cooking utensils and materials; vans, etc. There are certain things you just have to hire. Rental services are labor-intensive. While you need money to start, you need labor or staff and you would still have to pay them every other…

  • How to Start a Catering Services in Nigeria

    How to Start a Catering Services in Nigeria

    There is no greater medicine than good food. Good food nourishes the body and helps to prevent diseases from taking hold of you. Catering services is one of the businesses you should be encouraged to go into; especially if you are skilled in preparing good, tasty and palatable meals. According to Wikipedia, Catering is the…

  • How to Start Hair Dressing Business in Nigeria

    How to Start Hair Dressing Business in Nigeria

    Everyone wants to look good. And looking good cuts across wearing nice dresses, have nice shoes on and almost anything to make you look attractive which of course, importantly includes getting a nice hairstyle or hair cut. Having a nice hair is actually a very important part of looking good and individuals are ready to…

  • How to Start a Livestock Farming Business in Nigeria

    In the past, Agriculture served as the most favorable and reasonable business idea for many people. Individuals utilized land, cultivating crops for sustenance and bartering farm yields for necessities in a system known as trade by barter. With specialization, people transitioned from randomly slaughtering animals to domesticating and raising them for growth and reproduction, eventually…

  • How to Start a Cattle Farming Business in Nigeria

    How to Start a Cattle Farming Business in Nigeria Cattle farming is one of the most practiced form of animal husbandry in the country today. This business primarily generates a substantial income and is predominantly practiced in the northern region, constituting a significant sector of the agricultural industry. The cattle owners make use of the…

  • How to Start Okrika Business in Nigeria

    The Nigerian business industry is one with a wide variety of options that can be explored. It is almost impossible to find a business that will not thrive in the country. One of such businesses is the Okrika  business. It involves the sales of fairly used clothes, which happens to be one of the most…

  • How to Start Snail Farming Business in Nigeria

    How to Start Snail Farming Business in Nigeria

    Dealing in the breeding of snails for commercial sale is one of the several business options that animal husbandry offers. Snails are among the available meat sources in the market. In Nigeria, snails commonly thrive in bushes or regions with abundant rainfall. Despite the high demand for snails, the snail farming business isn’t widely practiced.…

  • How to Open and Run a Laundry Service in Nigeria

    It is a given that with just 50,000 NGN , you can start a laundry service in Nigeria. Laundry business – popularly called dry-cleaning business in Nigeria – is about washing, starching, drying and ironing clothing materials for individuals and companies. . It is a very profitable low risk business anyone can do for profit.…