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Guidelines on Starting a Profitable Ice-Block Business in Nigeria

There are businesses that just disappear off the radar of a lot Nigerians who want to start businesses that are cost-effective and time-sensitive. These kinds of businesses are not in popular demand but they should be a popular choice. Ice-Block production business is one of the low-key ways of breaking free from financial wilderness in Nigeria. In the ice-block production business, you can do no wrong because this kind of business does not require that you go for a training like other businesses like catering, laundry, etc. All you really need is water, machines/deep freezers, generator and a little money to begin. It is a kind of business that flourishes you with flexibility, convenience and options.

Versatility of Ice-Blocks in Nigeria

Nigeria is a nation aflush with a lot of business opportunities. With the busy atmosphere accustomed to every day Life, under the scorching sun, with people living in Nigeria, we will all agree that dehydration occurs so fast. Cold water, drink or anything chilled is what everyone should need to calm their nerves and bodies. Ice-block is needed by the majority of people including traders, bankers, engineers, etc. Ice-blocks are sold to people in the markets, parks, schools, hospitals and their likes; not to even mention the sorry state of electricity supply in Nigeria. In many homes in this part of the world,  ice-blocks can be used to preserve food. Events and parties require chill drinks. You can never run at a loss starting ice-block business in Nigeria and the most amazing thing is you do not need any training or much money to start.

What You Need to Know About Ice-Block Production Business

There are things peculiar to certain businesses that ensures you are well-oiled to start and keep the business going for as long as you need. Below are some tips to starting, running and keeping an ice-block production business going:

1. Target Customers

To be successful in this business, you must find the right target customers. For instance, you might target sellers of sachet water, soft drinks, etc. who take advantage of traffic to sell on the roads. You can also target event planners, restaurants, hotels, etc. This should help your business grow because these possible customers always need ice-blocks.

2. Season

There is a high demand for ice-blocks during dry season. During this period, dehydration is common and people would definitely need chilled water and drinks.

3. Maintenance

An ice-block business person must try as much as possible to always maintain his/her ice-block producing machine or deep freezers. You would not want to disappoint your customers.

4. Competition

This business is a business that hardly lacks in active participants. This means that the business is highly competitive. Thus, you must always put your head in the game.

5. Devotion

This business requires your devotion.

6. Population

This business demands that you target communities or cities that are densely populated. That way, you can have your cut of the customer cake notwithstanding the competition.

Guidelines on How to Start an Ice-Block Production Business in Nigeria

There are guidelines to starting every business. Ice-block production business is not an exception. Hot Vibes Media did no wrong in clearly stating the basic steps one must follow when starting an ice-block production business. Below are guidelines to starting an ice-block production business and the necessary equipment.

1. Water

Constant good clean water should be the most important raw material that you need to have before venturing into ice-block production business. Ice-blocks are made naturally by freezing water to a very low temperature below zero degree Centigrade, 0°C). You will need to find a good source of fresh and clean water for your production business. You can get good clean water from bore holes or if there is scarcity of water, ensure that you buy your water from a clean source. You would not want to supply a contaminated ice-block to your customers; that would be bad for business.

While making ice-blocks, you should know that there are two types of ice-blocks which are the anti-freeze and the dry ice. The anti-freeze block is molded with the use of chemicals like ethanol. This makes the ice-blocks to mold very quickly than normal ice-blocks. The dry ice block is the normal ice-block that is formed naturally without chemicals being added to it. However, this type of ice-block takes longer time to mold.

2. Ice Block/ Ice Cube Making Machines

You can start off by using your deep freezer to make ice-blocks or you can consider buying an ice block making machine that you can use to produce ice blocks. There are both foreign and locally-made brands of ice-block making machines. The locally made ice-block machines are usually sold in Ibadan and some of its models are quite durable.

The foreign made ice making machines are however faster when it comes to the production of ice-blocks. These ice-block making machines are of different types and different ice-block production capacities and sizes of compressors (2HP,2.5HP,3HP). Some machines can produce 40 molds, 60,100,120, 200, and even up to 1000 molds of ice-blocks. The price range of purchasing one of these machines ranges from N100,000 – N800,000 depending on the model, size and also if it is foreign or locally made. The most popular or common machine by local manufacturers is the one built to make 25 rectangular blocks and costs about N200,000.

3. Generators

If you want to start the production of ice-blocks in Nigeria, it is necessary that you have a reliable generator that can supply enough power for you to be able to run your ice-block machine effectively. Ice-block business requires constant power supply so it is important that you make plans for this before starting off.

4. Packaging & Branding

Most ice-blocks sold in Nigeria are usually sold in transparent polythene bags, which helps to hold the ice together during movement and transportation. Also, you can consider branding your name and contact address on the polythene in other to attract more customers.

5. Customer Service

Obviously, you are not the only one in the business of making ice-blocks in your locality; so it is advisable that you maintain a good customer relationship with your customers. Go ahead and offer some extra added services that your competitors are not offering. Also, ensure that your ice-blocks arrive on time and are of the highest quality.

Here is a quick rundown of the equipment you need before starting your ice-block business:

  • Ice block making machine
  • A Generator (Preferably a diesel powered generator. A clean water source and
  • Nylon bags for the ice block

Those are the basic equipment you need, quite easy right?

6. Market & Supply

The market is really big in populated Nigerian cities and the need for cold ice-blocks will always be needed.


In Nigeria, there are basically two seasons which are the wet season which is characterized by a lot of rains, high humidity, a lot of haze and coolness. Then, there is the dry season which is characterized by the weather being very hot, sunny and harsh. Most people believe the business of ice-block will excel or flourish in the dry season. Ironically, the business also sells in the wet season where even when people’s rate of consumption for cold drinks are expected to drop, the epileptic power supply in the country makes people still need the commodity for their events and functions like weddings, parties among others.

Another factor that aids the business of ice-block is population. Nigeria is densely populated. A population of more than 190 million people is huge. Hence, once you have a service and it is good, you should be able to have high demand and make profits.






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