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How To Improve Your Financial Status

Are you comfortable and happy with your financial status? If not, relax; you’re not the only one. Most people are unhappy with their financial status and seek solutions to improve it. These six principles will help you get back on track and make your money work for you rather than against you if you want to improve your financial status. If you’re going to do this, you can start by focusing on them.

You may require assistance to achieve your goals, regardless of whether you’re mired in a cycle of debt, making insufficient income to sustain your preferred quality of living, or merely hoping to start saving for a significant financial purpose like investing or purchasing a property.

Financial status is relative, but attaining a healthy financial status must be worked towards staying afloat with financial independence. Just like our needs are insatiable, we often than not strive to progress from our current financial status to a better state that offers us more opportunities.

Therefore, this article guides you on some crucial steps to better your financial status.

Ways To Improve Your Financial Status

  1. Balance Your Finances

Keeping your finances under control can entail many different things, depending on your financial situation. Looking at your consumption schedule—the amount of money spent each month—and then considering the amount received each month is a great place to start. It could be time to make changes if your spending outweighs your income. Finding solutions to better your financial status will be simpler once you’ve done that.

You could earn more money or receive a promotion by taking up a second job. You may need to reduce spending on things like cable or food. There are several resources available to assist you once you’ve determined where you can improve, including budgeting software, books on personal finance,

  1. Automate Your Savings

Automating your savings is the most straightforward approach to improving your financial status. Set a goal for how much you want to save and open a separate savings account from your other accounts at a different bank. It doesn’t help to tell yourself how much money you must spend, especially if it’s only NGN 1,0000 weekly. Instead, arrange for your paycheck to be deposited directly into that account. Since you won’t see it, you won’t even miss it.

If you still have money after paying your bills, use it toward saving. You don’t need to consider keeping any more; enjoy your everyday life and let your money grow. Additionally, developing this practice will help you live within your means, essential for enhancing your financial status. It’s crucial to understand that when we discuss increasing our money, we are not referring to making rash investments or getting rich soon. We’re talking about developing wealth through wise financial decisions and spending practices.

  1. Outline Your Financial Goal

You must be aware of your financial goals before improving your financial status. Are you trying to find a job with a higher salary? Do you wish to make a real estate investment? Or do you want to have enough money saved so that, in an emergency, it won’t wipe out your entire budget? Once you know where you’re headed with your finances, getting there will be more straightforward.

One of your goals may have changed. That’s alright! No response is incorrect in this case. Everything relies on where you want to be in the future and how much effort and cooperation you’re ready to put in to get there.

  1. Track Your Monthly Expenses

Although this financial activity appears straightforward, it is essential to understand where your money is going and how you might be able to allocate it better.

Put your expenses into categories that make sense as you keep track of your spending (bills, food, transportation, eating out, entertainment, etc.). Determine how much you spent overall in each category at the month’s end. Where you can reduce expenditure will become clear.

  1. Sustainable Personal Reflection

Sustainability practices are advantageous for both the environment and your account. You’ll save money if you reduce your spending on purchases. Similarly, investing in durable goods that you can use again rather than one-time-use items will help you save money in the long run.

The product you choose not to purchase is the most sustainable one. Nevertheless, switching to a few sustainably produced products that are affordably basic to you in the place of luxuries might help you develop more sustainable habits over time.

  1. Pay Your Debts

Create a list of all your bills, including a current advance of your income, the bare minimum payment you must make each month, and the mortgage loan’s interest rate, and set yourself the goal of paying off your debts as quickly as possible. Determine how much you may increase your loan payments once you have all this information prepared.

Do more research on debt reduction techniques and the importance of having emergency funds.

  1. Stop Using Credit Cards

You might use your credit cards excessively if you have trouble making ends meet each month. You’ll rapidly get into debt if you continue using credit cards as a crutch. This will reduce the amount of money you have each month toward bills, retirement savings, or other financial objectives.

Stop using your credit cards if you’re serious about managing your money. Switch to cash or debit cards in addition to creating a budget so you won’t have to use credit to make purchases to prevent taking on further debt.


Achieving a better financial status is possible if you can be accountable to yourself for your expenses and income management. While you reflect more on your basic needs to avoid spending on luxuries, it is also essential that you save and invest more to have a last resort when need be.

Therefore, adjust your financial lifestyle around your basic income to keep you from debt and being financially broke.






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