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Goal Based, Emergency and Round Up Savings By Mintyn Bank

Saving is really something everyone should be doing at this moment in time. We might feel like we can’t save, because we don’t have much to save but we have to try. As a business man and woman, we all have that specific something we are saving up for. But whatever the case, we need to own our savings and that’s why mintyn bank is here with this new product to take you on a journey towards an exquisite savings mood.

Goal Based Savings by Mintyn

Saving is income not spent, or deferred consumption. Methods of saving include putting money aside in, for example, a deposit account, a pension account, an investment fund, or as cash. In Nigeria, the economy has gotten to a point that we fear it might crash without hinting us. That is why customers need to start saving up so by that time, it won’t come as a much surprise. Mintyn bank has introduced a new different idea on savings; saving for a goal that is very important. As a digital bank, our motive is leading our customers into that financial freedom.

The goal based savings by mintyn is too enable you save based on your needs. Saving on your needs, is that which you want sometime in the near future. So, you are goal basing it. We have so many needs and instead of squeezing them in one, with mintyn, you can actually share them and save separately. As an old or potential customer with mintyn, when you Earn up to 36.5% on your money, with flexible goal-based savings. Like I said earlier, when you save for them separately, you are definitely managing your finances. Fantastically save for that you desire to push for whatever reason. Be it, car, house, holiday or future emergencies.

Would you like to make one-time savings or do it little by little? You decide. Set your savings frequency and either fund automatically or manually. it is at the palm of your hands with just one click. SAVING LIKE THIS HASN’T BEEN THIS BETTER WITHOUT MINTYN BANK AT YOUR SERVICE.

Emergency Savings by Mintyn

This is an important part of savings! Emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment. Nigeria has a way of creating different emergencies for its citizens on a daily basis. Having that one thing we need to clear off at any given moment. Mintyn bank has created this product in a way as a customer you don’t feel stranded when you need money to sort out an important emergency that has you hooked. This way, you save up for future emergencies so you don’t have to turn to, family loans, or other borrowing options that create unnecessary stress. This way, you quickly pay it up and that’s a true step into a financial freedom and trusting your bank that they have you in mind at all times.

Round up Savings by Mintyn

This is based on your saving habit and its controlled by mintyn. As a customer (potential), you are required to activate this for your transactions and bill payments to hundreds or thousands. Funds in your account will moved daily to your savings based on how much you rounded it up too. You also set the limit duration of how you want to save and Yes! You earn as much as 15% on your savings.

Isn’t that awesome? Leaving mintyn to help save for you at a go.


Savings is something we should be doing and if you aren’t doing it, begin to save up as a Nigerian. Mintyn bank is a digital bank with creative minds that release the best products and services based on what is crumbling the financial world. With our savings technique, we are sure, our customers are amazed and happy with what we offer as a digital bank. With this three product services on savings by mintyn, be rest assured that your financial freedom is secured.






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